Space Visualization Lab

Talk to astronomers about cutting-edge research and experience awe-inspiring visualizations!

In this working laboratory, scientists, technology experts, artists, and educators work together to create new ways for people to virtually explore the universe. Since its inauguration in 2007, the Space Visualization Lab has brought cutting-edge research from scientists in the most prominent institutions around the country, as well as immersive and interactive technologies to the museum floor. In the Space Visualization Lab, visitors can experience new interactive and immersive visualizations and attend presentations by astronomers and related researchers featuring these visualizations.

Featured SVL Projects

Astronomy Conversations

Coming soon!

Worldwide Telescope

Worldwide Telescope (WWT) is an open-source visualization software package that enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope. Adler SVL staff have contributed to the content and development of WWT. Worldwide Telescope was used to create the Adler’s former sky show, Cosmic Wonder, and it powers several exhibits throughout the museum.


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