The Adler ‘Scope

Operation Airlift: 3…2…1… Liftoff to Engineering!
What do you get when you mix an indoor soccer field, 500 cubic feet of helium, 100 middle schoolers, endless duct tape, 40 Adler staff and volunteers, 150 boxed lunches, and a pile of Snap Circuits? Why, Operation Airlift, of course!

It’s Citizen Science Month: Here Are Adler Zooniverse Space Research Projects That Need Your Help Now
Header Image: Eight square images of Adler Zooniverse space projects with the “Adler Zooniverse” logo in the center. Whether you’re already a volunteer or new to the world of Cit Sci, now is the perfect time to get involved and find a research project you’re passionate about! There are so many research projects and scientists […]

New Fulldome Show Now Playing At The Adler Planetarium: Pink Floyd’s ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’
Header Image: A theater with seats that has a 360 degree screen and projected onto the screen is an image of a dark night sky with white star trials, a rainbow heartbeat pulse, and three pyramids. The Adler Planetarium is excited to announce it has licensed legendary rock band Pink Floyd’s new fulldome planetarium show, […]

Adler Skywatch: April 2023
Header image: A composite of eleven pictures showing the progression of a total solar eclipse. [ Image credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani), edited by the Adler Planetarium ] An entire day is dedicated to celebrating the planet we know best this month, April 2023. Don’t forget to celebrate Earth Day on April 22; and while you’re at […]

Adler Skywatch: March 2023
Header Image: The 2013 spring equinox, as seen from space. Image Credit: Nasa/ Earth Observer, edited by the Adler Planetarium Possibly the most photogenic planetary pairing of the year kicks-off this month, March 2023. Here’s your stargazing guide to view the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction, the spring equinox and other celestial events. Venus and Jupiter Conjunction Just […]

A Perfect Date Night—Five Things to See at the Adler Planetarium
Header Image: Couple embracing while looking at the Saturn exhibit in Our Solar System, at the Adler Planetarium. Chicago is a city full of possibilities, opportunities, and adventures. But with so many options of places to go and things to see, how do you find the perfect spot for an out-of-this-world, wholesome date night? The […]

Adler Skywatch: February 2023
Header image: The bright planets, Venus and Jupiter, are close in the sky, nearby a bright Moon. Image taken on June 30, 2015. Composite image credit and copyright: Wang, Letian The two brightest planets and a once-in-a-lifetime comet are among the sky highlights of the shortest month of the year, February 2023. Here’s your stargazing […]

Fun Facts About The Adler Planetarium’s Doane Observatory Telescope In Chicago
Header Image: Adler Planetarium 24″ reflecting telescope in the Doane Observatory after installation in 2020. Did you know the Doane Observatory is home to the largest publicly accessible telescope in Chicago? Since opening in 1977, the observatory in Chicago has had several telescopes within its walls, and these telescopes have given Chicagoans the opportunity to […]

Does Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Have A Hyperbolic Orbit or a 50,000 Year Orbit?
Header Image: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) showing its green glow and three blue ion tails. Image Credit: Jose Francisco Hernández Everyone is talking about the “Green Comet”—aka Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)—right now! This cosmic fuzzball recently made its closest approach to the Sun, and has the potential to be bright enough to be seen from […]

Everything You Need To Know About The “Green Comet” AKA Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Header Image: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) showing its green glow and three blue ion tails. Image Credit: Jose Francisco Hernández Editor’s Note: Updated to include information about hyperbolic orbits. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), informally called the “Green Comet”, recently made its closest approach to the Sun, after having traveled tens of thousands of years from […]