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Tag: outreach

Lauren Asta (left) and Shawn Smith (right) pose with their completed Moonshot Murals painted by Adler guests during Moon Bash on July 20, 2019.

What’s your Moonshot?

Wednesday September 18th
Erin Wilson

Header Image: Lauren Asta (left) and Shawn Smith (right) pose with their completed “Moonshot Murals” painted by Adler guests during Moon Bash on July 20, 2019 Brushes were poised and the smell of spray paint began to permeate the air. The sound of the small metal ball inside the aerosol can rattled around as the […]

Looking Up and Reaching Out

Friday June 14th
Aubrey Henretty

“One of the things I’m passionate about is bridging the culture wars,” Adler Astronomer Dr. Grace Wolf-Chase says cheerfully. In her office, Grace is rifling through a stack of bright pink foam-board posters featuring portraits of religious people who’ve made great contributions to science. She separates one from the rest. The bearded face on it […]


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