Tag: total solar eclipse

Types of Eclipses: Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses Explained
Learn how eclipses occur and the types of eclipses, solar and lunar, that occur when the phase of the Moon and the alignment of the Sun, Moon and Earth is just right.

Astro Road Trip Brings Adler Planetarium Telescope Programming To Towns Across Southern Illinois Ahead Of The Total Solar Eclipse
Astro Road Trip brings telescope programming to communities across Southern Illinois in preparation for the April 8, 2024!

Everything You Need To Know About The April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Here’s everything you need to know about the April 8, 2024, partial solar eclipse or annular solar eclipse (depending on your location).

Different Types Of Solar Eclipses Explained
What is the difference between a total solar eclipse, an annular solar eclipse, and a partial solar eclipse? We discuss the different types of solar eclipses, what a solar eclipse is, and how to see the October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024 eclipses!

Adler Skywatch: June 2021
Header Image: Total solar eclipse from August 21, 2017. An annular solar eclipse occurs—though it won’t be easy to see—and a new season starts this month, June 2021. An annular solar eclipse takes place on June 10; and technically, it is visible in the Chicago area. First off, never look directly at the Sun without […]

Adler Skywatch: June 2020
This year’s summer solstice occurs on the 20th, at 4:44 p.m. Central Daylight Time. On that date the Sun rises just before 5:15 a.m. and doesn’t set until shortly after 8:30 p.m. Between those times, the Sun gets very high in the sky. Keep in mind this takes place in the Northern Hemisphere; those in […]

Adler Skywatch: July 2019
Header Image: Moon surface taken by the Adler’s Doane Observatory on April 7, 2017. The nation celebrates the 50th anniversary of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission this month, July 2019. It was 50 years ago on July 20 when humans first set foot on Earth’s natural satellite. It’s a big month for the Moon astronomically as well. This […]