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Presenter: Michael Brown

Dr. Michael E. Brown

Spring 2015 Kavli Fulldome Lecture

“Tales From the Outer Solar System”
Presented by Dr. Michael Brown

March 2015

Dr. Michael Brown, famous as the man who demoted Pluto, discussed solar system evolution, Pluto and other dwarf planets, as well as the evidence for a larger object, a potential true ninth planet, out beyond the dwarfs.

This presentation was the foundation for our newest sky show, Planet Nine, which Dr. Brown collaborated with us to create. In addition to the show being critically-acclaimedan edit from the show also won a Vizzie award for People’s Choice in the Video Category at the 15th Annual Vizzies Challenge presented by Popular Science magazine and the National Science Foundation.

About the Speaker

Dr. Michael Brown is the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology and has been on the faculty there since 1996. He specializes in the discovery and study of bodies at the edge of the solar system. Among his numerous scientific accomplishments, he is best known for his discovery of Eris, the most massive object found in the solar system in 150 years, and the object which led to the debate and eventual demotion of Pluto from a real planet to a dwarf planet.

Brown is the author of “How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming”, an award-winning best selling memoir of the discoveries leading to the demotion of Pluto.


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